
Best Loyalty Management for Your Businesses

Customer Loyalty program software gives retail businesses the ability to reward loyal customers, showing appreciation for them, increase store traffic, and use loyalty program data to build an effective customer retention strategy.

  • Integrated with POS and ERP
  • Definable slabs & redemption values
  • Welcome, Birthday Coupons
  • Manage Membership Program
  • Points Expiry

eFacto® customers report a 10% increase in Customer retention


Features & Benefits of eFacto® Customer Loyalty Management Software

  • Create an Incremental Value & Experience

  • Keep Customers Engaged Longer

  • Make Your Store the Preferred Destination

  • Create your own Loyalty Program

  • Target Customers with Communication

  • Retention of the Tier is also of Value

  • Get a competitive Edge

  • Issue Loyalty Cards